March 4, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: March 3rd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

The new maps are out!  I downloaded them, installed them and downloaded a new patch.  That took a while, maybe an hour, which sucks.  There is a playlist for First Strike maps only so that's nice.

The first map I played is Kowloon, infamous for it's dangerous zip lines.  This map is really good.  It's a nice size, not too big, not too small.  It has a lot of vertical fighting so it's been a bit tough to adapt.  There are a lot of different paths and little hidden areas.  The zip lines are useful but are very dangerous as many people camp it.  There is both long range fighting and close range fighting.  The building that houses the zip lines seems always busy so it's a good place to lob grenades and such.

The second I played is Berlin Wall.  This is definitely my favorite of the four new maps.  I like it because it's fairly open, has long range fights and is a fun size.  There is a sort of no man's land where automatic turrets shoot down anyone who enters it.  This basically splits the map in two and there are three paths to cross.  One on each side and one in the middle.  These areas end up being major choke points.

The third map I played is Discovery.  This is my least favorite map.  It's set in the arctic and has pretty cool graphics.  However, I don't like the map layout too much.  It's a bit too big for my tastes and doesn't really have many good fighting areas.  It also has a lot of bottomless pits which annoy me.  I only played TDM but I could see this one being better for objective games.

The last map I played is Stadium which is set around a hockey arena.  This one is a bit smaller than the others and I found it really fun.  It has some cool fighting spots and is sunny, kind of like a bigger Nuketown or a residential Firing Range.

I haven't tried the zombie map but I'm not a big fan of the zombie mode anyway.  I will maybe try some objective modes next time.