March 18, 2011

Golden Sun Dark Dawn

Date played: March 17th
Platform: DS
Time played: 50 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Well, I reached my first real dungeon in the Koompa, Kupal, Kopal, Kompal, Shit I Don't Know What They Are Actually Called Ruins.  I'm starting to get into the groove of things here.
Kirin, my first cool looking summon

-Look around for things I can use magic on or open doors
-Walk to that spot
-Random encounter fight
-Attack / Magic / Djinn / Heal
-Keep walking to spot
-Use magic on spot

Overall though, I like this.  The combat is interesting and the summons look amazing, some of the best graphics I've seen on DS.  I'm not quite done with the dungeon yet but I feel like I'm reaching the end.