April 8, 2015

Axiom Verge

Date played: April 7th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 9/10

Axiom Verge is a game that pays homage to Super Metroid. That was enough for me to be interested as I fucking loved Super Metroid.

The game begins with a scientist doing some unexplained experiment. It quickly goes very wrong and the man wakes up in a creepy room. A woman mysteriously sends him a few cryptic words through telepathy (maybe?) telling him to go left and grab the gun sitting in the next room. From there, the game plays like a classic right away.

The 2D artwork is incredible, the music is moody and complex and the animation is smooth as hell. Everything feels right in this game so far. I got the gun and started making my way through the graph paper map, just like the 2D Metroid games. The gun is a rapid-fire rifle that is easy to handle. There is a helpful "lock" function on L1 that allows for diagonal and horizontal shooting without moving the character. The guy has a strong jump that can be used to navigate the various platforms.

I fought my way through gruesome creatures, all of it very reminiscent of Metroid. I found a couple of upgrades along the way. More health, bigger projectiles and higher damage are some of the smaller, simpler upgrades. I also found a new gun! This thing sends out larger, slower projectiles, but can be detonated at any time to create a spread of smaller bullets in a radius around the bullet. I used it to progress to new areas by shooting at out of reach buttons.
I kill you motherfucker. I kill you.
I made it to the first boss and kicked it's ass by shooting at it from every angle while avoiding it's projectiles and mines. The ugly motherfucker didn't last long as I pummeled it with all my might. As a reward, I was given a large drill that can be used to dig through rock, but also to fight enemies at close range. I reached the second area of the map and stopped playing there, but I look forward to playing more of Axiom Verge. We need more games like this.