December 8, 2014

The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

Date played: December 7th
Platform: 3DS
Session fun rating: 9/10

I completed the first dungeon! Being the first one in the game, it was really simple, but had a few cool twists. There was a rotating barrel with a few doors in it. By entering it and walking up or down, I was able to change the location of doors and gain access to some areas. There were also some stretchy mushrooms that I could pull to boost myself over large gaps. It was involved in a few puzzles.

After a bit of exploring, I found the dungeon item, a sort of vacuum device. It can be used to remove spores, dust and spider webs to reveal secrets. It works well in combat too. There was a whole section in the dungeon where I had to use it as a propeller for a lily pad I used as a raft. Finally, I took on the boss. It was a simple enemy in the normal sized world, but when Link is shrunk down, it becomes monstrous! I used my new vacuum to suck off it's base so that the creature fell off balance where I could start attacking it.
First boss defeated!
After that, I was given bombs by a Minish and was able to start exploring the world a bit. I went back to Hyrule town and talked to everyone. There are clearly some areas that are meant to be explored when shrunk down, but I couldn't find a way to do it yet. I helped a lady find her cuccoos, bought a new wallet and I still have lots to explore before moving on to my search for the next crystal.