December 9, 2014

Costume Quest: Grubbins on Ice

Date played: December 9th
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 8/10

I finished the Grubbins on Ice expansion for Costume Quest!

The last portion of the game had me and my little team try to find a yeti to convince the town's elder to open the gates for us. After some exploring and spelunking in caves, we found out that this whole time, the yeti was just a crow in costume. He put the costume in the dryer and it shrunk down too much. Thankfully, it was now kid-sized, so I put it on, made an appearance in the village and the gate opened!
This crow's world domination plan was foiled by three kids in costumes...
It's also a new fighting costume that is focused on defense. I didn't like it too much for normal fights, but it proved invaluable when I faced the final boss. It turns out, the bad guys were trying to revive the giant skeleton boss from the first game. I fought the boss of the bad guys and died... I adjusted my gear and team and easily took him out. The last cut-scene showed the kids rescuing their kidnapped friend, then going through the portal to head back home. We were dropped in a mysterious cavern filled with other portals, then the credits rolled... It's a pretty good setup for the sequel!