December 9, 2014


Date played: December 9th
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 7/10

I haven't played this wonderful game in a while, but I saw a lot of chatter on Twitter about the new Goblins vs Gnomes expansion cards so I jumped back in for a few matches. I got 3 packs of the new cards for free and was happy to see some cool new cards. Most of them involve mechs, goblins, gnomes and of course, explosives and gadgets.

Even the card packs are goblin and gnome themed!
I made a new deck for my Shaman, making sure to include a few of the new cards where they fit and had a lot of fun in casual play. I won most of my matches too! I then completed a quest I had by building a Hunter deck filled with low cost creatures. It didn't work too well, but I completed the quest and had enough gold to buy 2 more packs.