December 30, 2014

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker

Date played: December 29th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 10/10

I played through a good portion of the second book with my daughter. The puzzles are definitely getting more complicated in most levels. There were some pretty clever ones. My favorite was a super small level featuring moving platforms, a bunch of small doors and tunnels and a green, log-throwing dinosaur. It was a pleasure to navigate through it.

Another had me navigate a dark and spooky ghost-filled mansion full of hidden paths and treasure. There was a great little level in a forest with trees that could be used as platforms. Another level had me navigate a garden labyrinth where "P" switches would raise and lower platforms. There was a fun puzzle with a double cherry item that creates a second Toadette, both of which are controlled at the same time. Some of the more difficult levels had me navigate some clear pipes to gather diamonds and avoid enemies.
Lava dragon!
I had a chance to fight the lava dragon boss again. It's kind of disappointing that there wasn't a new boss there, but at least the level design was different. There was a nice surprise after that where I got to ride the dragon and breathe fire on enemies and coin blocks for a bit! I also played two bonus levels straight out of Super Mario 3D World. I feel like these levels aren't much fun as Toad, but it's still a nice distraction.

I absolutely LOVE Captain Toad, finding every little secret is just pure fun.