December 20, 2014

Metroid: Other M

Date played: December 20th
Platform: Wii
Session fun rating: 7/10

My daughter saw my Samus shirt this morning and asked about who she is and why she has a gun for an arm. After explaining a few things about her and the Metroid video games, she wanted me to play one of her games. I've had Other M on my shelves for a long time, but only played it once or twice a long time ago. I decided to give the game another chance and started a new game.

I played through the intro and the first few segments and am now exploring Sector 1. The game looks surprisingly good for a Wii game, though the low resolution is hard to swallow. The cinematics are very well done too. There's a lot of story cut scenes, some of which makes Samus look like a bit of a spoiled little bitch, but overall, it's pretty interesting.

The game takes place directly after Super Metroid. Having played it recently, it was fun to see what happened after the events of the classic game. Other M starts with Samus receiving a distress signal that seems to be coming from a metroid... When she gets to the space station, she meets up with Galactic Federation folks, including her old commanding officer, Adam.

The third person action game plays pretty well. Using a single Wii remote for all controls, it manages to include first person shooting, albeit without being able to move Samus. I shot and killed various creatures, including an easy boss that required that I shoot it's weak spots with my missiles. I'm excited to play more of this weird installment in the great series.