September 9, 2017

Watch Dogs 2

Date played: September 8th
Platform: PS4

There's soooo much to do in Watch Dogs 2!

I spent much of my time just roaming around and exploring. I'm collecting new songs with the Shazam equivalent, I'm collecting research points to upgrade my skills, I'm taking Scout X pictures to gain some followers, I'm gathering intel for side operations and I'm just having a great time.

The side missions are particularly interesting, since they are little stories of their own with interesting characters. For example, one basement-dwelling, dubstep-loving amateur hacker has been taking DeadSec's name to do bad things. We found his location, then I went to pay him a little visit. I hacked into his computer's webcam, then hacked his phone to call 911, then made a nearby electronics device explode. The kid was on his headphones, playing a video game, so he heard none of this. The cops were sent when the 911 operator mistakenly interpreted the blown device as a gun shot. It was glorious, well written and well animated.

I've got a bunch of new skills and gear too. The biggest addition to my arsenal is the quadcopter, a flying drone equipped with a camera. It's been great for recon and hacking. In my skill tree, I spent some points on a special skill called "Mass communication disruption", which basically kills every cell phone in a wide radius. This has been helpful in stopping 911 calls and distracting people. I've also got a little electric grenade thing that has been really cool during combat encounters.

There's a ton of this little stuff in the game, and it really makes it feel like a real place. I also completed my first Driver: SF mission, which is basically just a bunch of taxi missions. Still, it's a nice little addition. It's also pretty cute that they called this Driver: SF, probably a direct reference to Driver San Francisco. This is a 2011 Ubisoft game about driving in San Francisco, which I played and loved when it came out.

Finally, I also played one of the game's numerous race events, a downtown time trial on a dirt bike. I got the gold medal for it, along with some followers and cash, but it was kind of tight, considering this was the easiest race. I'm thinking I might need a skill from the skill tree for the harder ones. This skill is basically a speed boost when driving, but it drains my botnet hacking energy.

I've also had a few online encounters. Watch Dogs 2 is one of those games that has seamless multiplayer, so often there are players that join my game. I haven't done any of the online missions yet, but I've fucked around with a couple of guys who joined me, taking car rides and stuff. The online stuff in the first game was pretty fun, so maybe I'll mess around with it later.