September 25, 2017

Watch Dogs 2

Date played: September 24th
Platform: PS4

Last night was all about side quests and collectibles. Honestly, it's kind of all a big blur... I tried focusing on getting research data, to unlock some of the more advanced skills. I'm trying to focus on the gadgetry tree, since dropping IED's and electroshock devices from my drone has proven very useful. I now have a speed boost for the remote controlled devices, as well as larger explosions for my IED's. This means I barely ever do anything on foot anymore. I mostly just use my drones.

I also tried to get myself a new trophy that seemed relatively easy. It asks that I make a jump of 140 meters, so I looked at a guide and it showed only one acceptable location. I went there and used the ninja motorcycle to get the most speed possible, but it didn't work. I tried different bikes, and different ways to use the boost, but I can't hit the 140 meter mark. Some people online are saying the Chopper is best bike for it, so I'll try again with that instead.

During my time exploring last night, I also completed a number of smaller side missions, like some ATM hacks. The best was when I hacked into a guy who distributes child porn as he was having a conversation with a buyer. I fucked with his equipment for a while, then started short-circuiting any hard drive he connected to his computer, destroying his business. Another had me humiliate the CEO of Haum by hacking into his gym and changing the settings on his treadmill to make him fall hilariously and distribute the video on the internet.

At the end of the evening, I decided to finally go meet the hacker from Prime_Eight who has been fucking with us. She installed some ransomware on our systems, and wants to meet with Marcus to discuss a solution. She basically wants us to discredit ourselves, which isn't going to happen. The crazy hacker lady (seen above, getting a UV tatoo on her face...) is gonna have a nice surprise from DedSec. We're going to fuck with Prime_Eight by destroying some of their gear. This crazy lady is dealing with the wrong crew.