September 5, 2017


Date played: September 4th
Platform: PS4

Today's play of the night isn't all that great, but it's pretty funny. As Reinhardt, I try to attack one of the points of the Nepal map. In a fit or Primal Rage during overtime, the enemy Winston goes apeshit and uses his ultimate to push people away from the point. In the chaos, he tossed me right into the point. Winston lunges at me as I begin to charge towards him, but he knocks me outside the point as I'm charging towards him. The charge momentum leads me straight into the back of the enemy Junkrat, who I promptly squish against the wall. I then kill a nearby Tracer who thought the match was over and believe it or not, we take the point! It was a really fun play, and even got Play of the Game with it, though it's not really deserved.