September 12, 2017


Date played: September 24th
Platform: PS4

Today's play of the night is a perfect example of how essential having a healer is. I jumped into this losing match, already in overtime with the other team controlling the point on one of the Lijiang Tower maps. Of course, there was no healer, so I picked Mercy, fully expecting the round to end before I could do anything. I was wrong.

Our Symmetra held the point long enough for me to get there just after she died, then I helped McCree survive a Reaper attack. This gave us enough breathing room to finally retake the point, against all odds. I keep him alive as he kills anyone who jumped on point, but get shot by Widow from above. The fighting was far from over though. I saved Orisa from death at the last instant, which was enough for us to establish a strong hold on the objective, and won the round. We even won the match in the end... I think I'm a pretty good Mercy sometimes!