Platform: 3DS
Writing about this game is really difficult. A lot of it is just about exploring the map and trying to reach new areas, so there's not too much for me to say. I've spent all of my time exploring Area 3, which is way bigger than anything that came before. There are dozens or rooms and paths to take, and tons of secrets to find in every little corner.
I am still missing a number of abilities, so there are still large portions of the map that are unavailable to me, so I'll have to come back later. I focused on Metroid hunting, and ended up killing 9 of them, some of which were Alpha, but most were Gamma. I'm getting better and better at fighting these bad boys. Freezing them forces them to land, then it's just a matter of waiting for a moment to counter with a flurry of missiles. It's harder than it sounds, but I think I've got it down now.
I now have 4 extra energy tanks, plus the lightning armor, so I can survive a good while against most monsters. There's some new ones that take a bit more to kill, even some that require a counter, then a rapid-fire counter.
Area 3's atmosphere is really cool. It's full of deep caverns, haunted by mysterious creatures, lurking in the shadows. The music is eerie and unsettling. Samus doesn't speak a word. It's just her, against a planet full of metroids and other dangerous beasts. In fact, I caught a glimpse of a gigantic mechanical monster. It was far away, and it moved away rather quickly, but I know I'm going to fight this thing at one point...