September 27, 2017

Watch Dogs 2

Date played: September 21st
Platform: PS4

I started the evening with a new type of side mission, where I get to setup an ambush. I first have to scan the area for clues, then the future position of enemies and vehicles can be seen from the hacking view. Then, I set up traps and such, waiting for the enemies to arrive. The first one of these had me steal a car, and the second had me blow up some trucks. Blowing up the trucks was so much fun, I did it all with the drone and a forklift.
The view from Oakland is beautiful
I explored much of Oakland, focusing on gathering research points. There was a large variety of puzzles to solve, or bad guys to dispatch. I tend to prefer using the drone and it's explosive charges, since that's fully upgraded, but it attracts a lot of attention. Another violent method that I like is to call in some gang members to kill people. I'll even add cops into the mix sometimes. This allowed me to buy a few new skills from the tech tree.

First is a super useful reduction to the cost of hacking individuals. This really adds a lot of flexibility to my playstyle, as I can perform more hacks during an encounter. The next ability allows me to call in more powerful gang members. I've also completed most of the Scout X objectives, with only two remaining.

I focused the rest of my time on two side missions. One was an elaborate setup by the police, where corruption within the high ranking members of the force are making deals with gangs, while somehow blaming it on CTos or something. I'm still not done this story, but it's been very interesting so far.

Another side mission had me save a man from suicide. He was being framed by his employer, and this led him to want to kill himself. We got a geotag on him, then I hacked a camera at the top of a skyscraper. I then sent a reporter the files that can exonerate him and had her call the desperate man. This convinced him to continue on with his life. Another, similar side mission had me save a man from asphyxiation as he attempted suicide by locking himself in his running car... In a different side mission, I had to find some NSA agents and hack their phones to gather some info on a mysterious hacker named Had0ck.