September 21, 2017

Metroid Samus Returns

Date played: September 20th
Platform: 3DS

I need to sit down and play this game some more, because it's simply wonderful. While I didn't play for very long, I still managed a bit of progress. I beat one Metroid, relatively easily. I was rewarded with a new Aieon ability, Lightning Armor.

This thing is very useful, and very powerful. It's basically a shield that can be activated at any time. It absorbs damage by draining the Aieon gauge. This allows Samus to traverse to new areas that are covered by damaging thorns. It's also great in combat when the energy bar is getting low. Finally, it also improves the counter-attack somehow. The description isn't too clear, but it feels like it has slightly more range and that the stun lasts a little longer.

Later, in a small room, I shot a piece of rock on a statue that turned into a rolling monster of death. This motherfucker was way harder than the Metroids for me, mostly because of it's unpredictable jumping patterns. I died a lot here, but ended up killing the beast with a ridiculous flurry of missiles and a bit of luck. I was rewarded with the boring, but useful spring ball. This allows Samus to jump while in morph ball mode. I love this game.