March 27, 2017

Rogue Galaxy

Date played: March 26th
Platform: PS4

I am really confused by everything I've seen of Rogue Galaxy.

This is another free game I got on PS+ and I've been wanting to try it for a while. It's been described as a space trucking game, but it's also about spaceship combat, naval style, complete with broadside cannons and everything.
I think this dude was too strong for me

I picked up a few missions at a space station, then headed out into space to complete them. I had a cargo carrying mission, so that was easy. However, I ran into some enemy ships at one point and honestly, I don't know if I was supposed to fight them or not. I really fucking struggled to hit anything with my ships meager cannons and it seemed like I just couldn't break the enemy's shields long enough to deal some real damage. I got killed.

This game seems cool, but it's got one hell of a learning curve, and I'm not sure I like the combat enough to make an effort. We'll see though, I love the concept and the graphics are nice enough for a game of this type.