March 17, 2017

Horizon Zero Dawn

Date played: March 16th
Platform: PS4

Aloy continued her voyage north, to find the Banuk village. Rumor has it that they have found a way to permanently tame the machines and that they live together in peace. The road wasn't too dangerous, just a few Glinthawks, Grazers and Watchers. Eventually, I found the village, and the rumors were completely accurate. They had many types of robots tamed, including Sawtooth, Scrappers, Watchers, Glinthawks, a Ravager and maybe even a Stormbird in the distance, on the peak of the nearby mountain. They even have the remains of a Thunderjaw in the middle of town...

However, some dumb-asses from another tribe recently attacked a nearby Banuk artifact. It turned out to be the device that made the machines friendly in the area, so when the assholes damaged it, it wasn't long before the robots started attacking! I fought the machines off, but now the Banuk must change their way of life.
Aloy is about to rappel down and save the Banuk village from the machines
I spent some time gathering nearby collectibles, a Banuk figurine and a metal flower. I couldn't get by without fighting a few enemies of course. I then headed back to Meridian with fast travel. Speaking of which, I now have an item that lets me fast travel at will, so that's great. Back on Meridian, I sold my junk, traded some stuff and turned in the Banuk quest.

All this experience allowed me to get a new skill that gives Aloy the ability remove upgrades from weapons and armor, then reapply them elsewhere. It's a very useful skill because I have now specialized each of my weapons with upgrades! The regular bow is for fire, the sniper bow is for tear and damage, the slingshot is for freezing grenades, the War Bow is for shock damage and the tripcaster is for heavy explosions. I did the same thing with my different armor sets.

I wanted to try out my new weapons, so I went out to explore just a little bit, outside of Meridian. I ended up fighting a group of 3 Stalkers, the panther-like hunters. My War Bow's shock arrows worked really well against them, and it was so much fun to fight them!