March 27, 2017

Horizon Zero Dawn

Date played: March 25th
Platform: PS4

I went continued with the hunting grounds and this time, I was determined to take out the Thunderjaw with the help of the two Ravagers. It wasn't easy, and I was stressed as hell the whole time, but I got the best score in it!

After sliding down the rope, I override the first Ravager, then make a run for the second one, killing a Watcher in the process. I now have the Silent Sprint ability, so I can run at full speed without getting spotted as much, so that helped a lot. I used a sprinting slide near the second Ravager and took it over. I then quickly shot some Tear arrows at the Thunderjaw's disc launchers to rip them off. It took some quick dodging and a bit of luck, but I ran down to the first disc launcher shot all of it's ammo into the Thunderjaw. Then I ran to the second disc launcher used it to kill the Thunderjaw.
A Thunderjaw AND a Ravager at the same time? Sure, why not!

The last challenge was slightly easier for me and it was kind of the reverse of the last challenge. Again, I had to tear off the Thunderjaw's disc launchers, but now I had to kill the two Ravagers with it. I decided to run in, override a Ravager to buy myself some time and peace, then ripped off the two disc launchers from the Thunderjaw. I run down, grab the weapons and shred the Ravagers to pieces. After getting the best score, I was still left with a rampaging Thunderjaw on my hands, so I killed it!

I got myself a really nice reward for my efforts. The hunter's lodge weapons are very powerful... There's the lodge Ropecaster, War Bow and  Blast Sling. Each is easier to handle and more powerful than their "Shadow" equivalents.

I spent the rest of my time kind of exploring, climbing two Tall Necks in the process. I really just wanted to reveal the map for ease of navigation, so I left a lot of side stuff I stumbled upon for later. There is only one Tall Neck left for me to climb now. I'm gonna move the story forward a little bit next time I play.