March 28, 2017

Horizon Zero Dawn

Date played: March 27th
Platform: PS4

I didn't play for very long, but it was enough to make a bit of progress. I met with Talanah, my hunting lodge mentor, and she asked me to deal with some Glinthawks that have been a nuisance recently. I found the flying machines and killed them easily enough, but I discovered that they were harvesting Snapmaw remains in the area.

It turns out, these carcasses were there because of a group of humans who is desperately searching for a Snapmaw Heart. They had been hunting them in the area, which attracted the Glinthawks. I agreed to help them get the item if they agree to get the hell out of there after. So I went hunting for Snapmaws.

The double shot skill has been very useful so far. For example, a double fire arrow will light a Snapmaw on fire right away instead of having to shoot it again. Those damn things didn't stand a chance. After picking up a heart from the carcasses, I went back to the humans and gave it to them. I then went back to Talanah who rewarded me with a new weapon, a Tear Rattler. It behaves like the normal rattler, but it shoots Tear ammo. I figure it might be good against larger creatures like the Rockbreaker or Thunderjaw.
The last of the Tallnecks
I decided that now was as good a time as any to climb the last Tallneck. When I got there, I was surprised to see an elaborate set of structures around the Tallneck's path. It seems some cultists were trying to capture it! Thankfully, Aloy was there to clear out the place... I sniped a few guys with the sharpshooter bow, but was spotted by a Corruptor. I fought it quickly, abusing shock ammo for all it's worth. I then methodically killed the remaining humans. There were a lot of them here, so it took a while, but I didn't get spotted after the Corruptor battle. Once the place was clear, I climbed the Tallneck and uncovered the remaining portions of the map.