March 18, 2017

Horizon Zero Dawn

Date played: March 17th
Platform: PS4

Most of my time was spent completing a little side quest that led me to three shrines. Along the way, I battled against many robots, including a group of Snapmaws. I'm using fire arrows a bit more than before, now that I understand how to put enemies on fire properly. Each shrine had someone nearby, but I don't really know what the point was.
Snapmaws are dangerous, but fun to fight
Back in Meridian, I completed a little side quest where I had to confront a Carja priest who wasn't very happy with the direction taken by the new Sun King. After a bit of conversation, I convinced him to get the hell out. I explored the area a little bit, heading towards the north to eventually reach the next story mission. I finally figured out that a large portion of this area is supposed to be the Grand Canyon, or at least, that's what it looks like.

I found a big quarry along the way. The foreman was concerned because many of the workers disappeared, but the area is completely guarded, so he doesn't think it could have been robots. However, after a bit of investigation, I was attacked by a new enemy type, the Rockbreaker. This thing is very big, and it can burrow itself underground, like a mole. He uses this to launch surprise attacks and protect itself from my attacks.

I set up a shit load of tripwires and some traps, then fought with the beast. He was really difficult to beat, but freeze attacks worked well on it. I dodged a ton too, since there wasn't a lot I could do to avoid it's attacks. It took a lot of healing herbs and ammo, but I took it down!

Another side quest had me following a trail to find Nakoa, a Nora that went missing a while back. At the end of the trail were some enemies and corrupted machines. I fought them all, then freed Nakoa, who was very grateful. I'm pretty sure she was being held as a sex slave... I ended the evening with a couple of fights, one against a Sawtooth to gather the trophy for the hunter's lodge, and a nearby Ravager. I tore off the Ravager's gun, picked it up and shot the motherfucker with it! It was efficient, fun and very powerful, so I'll try and do this again next time I face off against a Ravager.