March 21, 2017


Date played: March 20th
Platform: PS4

In today's play of the night, I aggressively defend the first point on Gibraltar as Symmetra. I cover some important sight lines just before the checkpoint, taking out a Torbjorn and keeping Soldier 76 in check. I then sneakily attack Bastion and D.Va with Lucio's help. Maybe our Genji was around too? Anyway, I fully destroy both D.Va and Bastion, then take out a straggling Sombra.

To hold the point, I then take over Sombra's spot where a large health pack spawns, surrounding the place in turrets and guarding it closely. I drop my teleporter nearby, then sure enough, Sombra shows up again. I take her out easily, then help destroy Bastion again, winning the match. I fucking love Symmetra... I even got play of the game for this sequence!