March 19, 2017


Date played: March 18th
Platform: Wii U

I had a few minutes to kill in the living room, so I booted up Earthbound and completed a small dungeon and it's boss. The dungeon was just a series of a few caverns, but the enemies had a trick up their sleeve... There's some mushroom monsters here, and while they aren't that dangerous in combat, they do have  a secret ability that confuses my party members, forcing them to attack allies and such. The problem is that it can only be removed by going to the doctor or visiting the hot sprints in the Mr. Saturn village.
Trillionage Sprout
It's such a dangerous ability that I had to go back to town about 3 times before I managed to make it through without being hit by the mushroom's special move. When I finally got through, the boss turned out to be really easy. He's called the Trillionage Sprout, is another pile of garbage, like Belch. He hits pretty hard, but that's the only real threat from him. I just kept my team healed up and beat him.

This led us to the Milky Well, the third "Your Sanctuary" location. I received a message that I recorded in the song stone, then headed back towards Mr. Saturn village.