March 23, 2017

Horizon Zero Dawn

Date played: March 22nd
Platform: PS4

When I stopped playing last time, I was about to enter the quarry where Olin is hanging out. When I got there, a high ranking cultist was speaking with him. The cultists are reanimating old machines to serve them. In the quarry, they were activating two Corruptors. Obviously, my job was to destroy the machines and kill the cultists.

I had the high ground at the opening of the mission, so I took advantage of that by sniping most of the humans with my sharpshooter bow. Once they were dead (there was only 1 or 2 that I couldn't see yet), I took on the Corruptors. Somehow, one of them blew up on it's own... I'm really not sure what happened, maybe he stepped on a guy with blaze packs on his back? Shit, I don't know, but I wasn't complaining. For the remaining Corruptor, I shot it with tear arrows from stealth. I kept to high ground, which allowed me to shoot a bunch of fire arrows at the monster. Eventually, it destroyed my cover, but I took out the machine with some more fire arrows and a few blast bombs.

After the battle, I spoke with Olin and forgave him, since he was being blackmailed by the cultists. He reveals a few interesting things, like the location of a place where he saw the picture of the woman who looks like Aloy. He also begged me to help him save his family, who is being held captive in some sort of fort in the south.

I decided to do another side quest that was nearby. Erend, the dude who is kinda my friend and helped me get into Daytower without problems, is looking for his missing sister, Ersa. On the route there, I decided to fight a couple of Ravagers that were just hanging out. I set up an elaborate set of tripwires, mostly fire ones, but also a few explosive ones. I then tore off the cannon from one of them with a tear arrow and let them come to my traps. The first one died really quickly from the traps, but the second one survived. I got hit a few times and it hurt like fuck. I should have had a better escape plan. I killed it with Blast Bombs but it was sloppier than I had planned.

Fighting Ravagers is no joke...
When I met Erend, I examined the scene where his sister was reported missing and discovered that she was probably still alive, based on how the clues were laid out. I even found a trail to follow, so we followed it together. This led me to another camp full of enemies, so I fought them stealthily. More clues confirmed that she is likely still alive, so I must now meet Erend somewhere else to continue our investigation.

Nearby was another side quest, but this one was a lot simpler. A guy named Nasan asked me to meet him at a crossroads, but when I got there, he was nowhere to be found. I followed his trail with my Focus and found another camp ready to get murdered. I cleaned out the place, saved Nasan and went on my way.

I went back to Meridian to turn in some quests and stuff. Olin's family was somewhere south of Meridian, so I went to meet him near the place. It was a pretty long walk, so I fought a few enemies along the way to farm for some materials that I can use to buy new weapons and armor. One of my missing items was a Snapmaw Heart, so I fought about 4 or 5 of them. Fire arrows work really well on them...

I met with Olin, then brought him along to save his family from the camp. Once again, I used stealth to my advantage and wasn't even spotted once. Between the sharpshooter bow and the stealth attacks, it wasn't hard to go around unseen. We found his family, and he will move to distant lands to rebuild his life. Good luck Olin.

To end the night, I headed to a nearby campfire and fought a herd of Tramplers along the way. These guys are vulnerable to ice and will kind of run away, then retaliate. They don't hit that hard, but they have a TON of HP, so it takes a lot to take them down. During this battle, I discovered something important and felt like a real idiot for not seeing this before... Frozen enemies take double damage! That means I should be freezing pretty much every damn robot I encounter unless it's really easy to kill...