March 8, 2017


Date played: March 7th
Platform: PS4

Today's play of the night has me desperately trying to take and keep the point on Nepal as Lucio. We had a weird team and we didn't really play that well together, but there were a few good moments in this match, even if we lost.

In this highlight, I rush in with Roadhog and Reinhardt. It starts with me saving our Widowmaker from Genji, then pushing forward with the tanks. Once we captured the point, I help keep the pressure up, killing an Ana along the way, then wall riding like crazy on the point. When the enemy attacks overwhelmed us and killed Roadhog, I used Sound Barrier to keep Reinhardt alive a little longer, then used wall ride to stay alive, facing off against a flurry of attacks. Our McCree saved the day, just as I was about to lose the point.

It wasn't the best play, but considering how much our team was struggling, it was still pretty good.