March 26, 2017


Date played: March 25th
Platform: Wii U

I played just a little bit of Earthbound as I watched hockey. I made my way through the desert, fighting a few enemies along the way. I also encountered a travelling band of Mexicans that own a small casino. I gambled a few times and lost every time. I then walked through the tunnel to Fourside.
Earthbound has some great dialogue
Fourside is easily the biggest city in the game. It's got skyscrapers, insane taxis that fight you, big streets and a Machiavelli-like mayor. I explored a bit and found out Pokey, the idiot neighbor kid from earlier in the game, is now a high ranking official in the city.

I'm not really sure what's next though, I haven't found anything useful in town, so maybe I missed something in the desert.