March 9, 2017

Horizon Zero Dawn

Date played: March 8th
Platform: PS4

I'm completely engrossed in the world of Horizon... I did a mission where I had to clear a camp of bandits, human bandits. So far, I've been using stealth a lot, with some bow and arrow combat when needed. I like to stay in the shadows in this game, and I've even equipped stealth gear and invested in stealth abilities. The bandit camp was the perfect opportunity for these skills to really shine. I sneaked around in bushes, grabbing enemies from cover and shooting anyone that gets too close.
Exploring the world of Horizon is so much fun!
Then, I followed Sona's trail. The War Chief has been tracking the killers, but she didn't get that far. When I found her, she was happy to receive my help in destroying a camp of enemies along with some corrupted machines. Again, I used stealth to do most of the heavy lifting, sniping enemies from long distances. In fact, the sharpshooter bow has been my absolute favorite weapon. I even bought a new version that has tear arrows, which blow off components from machines.

After clearing the camp, Sona is wounded and tired, but she still hasn't found all the killers. She agrees to rest a bit for now, so I will look for the killers instead. I then went to Mother's Crown, one of the larger Nora villages. This place has a ton of people to talk to and many side quests to pick up.

One of these side quests asked that I find a couple of missing hunters. It turns out, they had been cornered by TWO Sawtooths! Killing one of these things is hard enough, but fighting two at a time was fucking hell. I took my time though and set up a bunch of tripwire traps, killing the first one easily. The second one was more resistant and I had to dodge like a madman as I desperately tried to inflict damage to it. I got it in the end, but it was a really difficult battle.

I also continued the Dreamweave quest line, which led me to a hermit who had been hoarding the precious plant. He says the plant was stolen by a bunch of murderous thieves, so I tracked them through the mountains, climbing and jumping my way to some snowy areas. When I found the thieves, I had to help them fight off a Sawtooth. After the battle, it became clear that these were just desperate people, and after a bit of conversation, they were willing to part with most of the Dreamweave.

Another side quest asked that I gather some boar skins and find a missing ring, which I found out had been eaten by one of these boars... Speaking of which, I gathered a lot of resources yesterday, which allowed me to craft a few upgrades. In fact, both my quivers are now at maximum capacity, so that's been very helpful.

I spent a good amount of time just exploring, hunting and gathering. I have maps of some of the collectibles, so I kind of went back to every area and picked up the stuff I had missed. I also picked up a new main quest from Mother's Crown. Aloy's goal is still to get to Meridian and figure out why the Carja attacked. However, the gates leading to the Western portions of the map have been sealed to prevent the corrupted machines from spreading. To prove that it's safe, Aloy must clear two areas of corrupted machines. Horizon is an amazing video game...