March 1, 2017


Date played: February 28th
Platform: PS4

There was a huge patch released for Overwatch yesterday. It adds a bunch of new stuff, but the bigger changes affect Bastion, who can now heal while moving, has a passive armor bonus and less spread for his weapon in Recon mode. He also has more spread while in Sentry mode. I haven't had a chance to try him yet, but it should make Bastion more useful in general.

Today's play of the night has me attacking as Reinhardt on Eichenwalde and my brother tries his hand at Junkrat. We lost the match, but I feel like I had a huge impact on the game. Hell, I ended up with 3 gold medals and a silver medal, as Reinhardt... I break the defense on the first point by charging and killing the enemy Reinhardt, then I die. I then rush the point because I know their tank isn't at the choke point yet and I take him out again. Next, I protect the objective and kill a bunch of enemies until I am finally taken out by a Bastion in tank mode.