March 12, 2017


Date played: March 11th
Platform: Wii U

I don't even remember the last time I played Earthbound... So I looked it up and it was in October of 2014! Thankfully, this game isn't too hard to pick up and play, so I was able to get back into it pretty quickly. Since I bought the Nintendo Switch, I've moved my Wii U to the living room, so I ended up playing Earthbound while watching hockey last night.

Ness, Paula and Jeff had just reached the weird Mr. Saturn village. These little fuckers look very odd and speak mostly non-sense. I bought some gear, rested up and got some clues to reach the next dungeon, Belch Base, which is hidden behind some waterfalls. In true Earthbound weirdness, I had to stand in front of the falls for 3 minutes without touching the controller to give the "password"...
Master Belch
The dungeon itself was pretty cool. It's infested with putrid, slimy creatures. I spent some time just fighting monsters here and leveling up, then reached the boss, a giant pile of garbage. Yep, I fought a pile of garbage. Or maybe it's shit, piss and snot? Who knows... Anyway, Belch, the boss, LOVES fly honey and thankfully, I had some in my bag. I gave it to him during battle and it basically immobilized him for the whole fight, making him extremely easy.

After the dungeon, I went back to the Mr. Saturn village and they revealed a secret path to thank me for dealing with Belch. I'm headed towards the fourth town of the game, Fourside, but there's a dangerous cave and a big desert waiting for me first.