March 10, 2017

Horizon Zero Dawn

Date played: March 9th
Platform: PS4

Another vacation day, another day with lots of Horizon Zero Dawn!

The first thing I did was clear the two corrupted zones as requested by the people of Mother's Crown. Corrupted machines are more powerful than regular ones, so even Watchers are a major threat. Between the two sites, I stumbled upon a new type of enemy, the Fire Bellowback. I found them in a group of three, chilling around some ruins. They are very large machines, with a big sac of liquid on their backs. They look a bit like bloated elephants... Unfortunately, they are really strong. They are vulnerable to ice, but I'm not quite sure how to defeat them efficiently yet. I ended up using many tripcaster traps and it worked.

After clearing the second corrupted zone, I decided to do a side quest that led to a thing called the Cauldron. This is a very high tech place, a ruin of the old world that still has power. Inside, there were many machines to fight, including a new enemy that looks a lot like a spider. It was really fun to fight this thing... I used many of my tools to bring it down and it was exciting. There was a lot of platforming in this area also, I even hung from objects that rode a mechanical rail systems. For my efforts, I was rewarded with the ability to override bigger robots! I can't wait to try that out.
The further from Mother's Heart, the bigger the ruins of the Old Ones
At one point, outside the Cauldron, I ran into a couple of men that were in deep trouble. Powerful machines were attacking them, including a Sawtooth. This was another exciting, tense battle. I moved towards the north-east to meet up with Sona the war chief and her son Varl. They managed to find the main camp of the killers who attacked the Nora. These cultists have taken an old baseball stadium as their home. To defeat them, we had to attack three small camps, then make our final assault against their main base.

These encounters are fantastic. Mixing human enemies with corrupted machines makes things really interesting, and stealth seems to work best in these situations. I mean, a good bow and arrow fight is possibility, but I tried staying silent in these segments.

The final camp in that baseball stadium was a big job. It had many, many human enemies, two Corruptors, a Fire Bellowback, a couple of Scrappers and a ton of Watchers. It was too much for me to take on alone. My job was to sneak through and set fire to a cache of Blaze, which is explosive. I made decent progress, but then I missed a headshot and was spotted!

This became a silly shit show real quick as I dodged and sprinted through dozens of enemies, making a mad dash for the Blaze cache. I managed to make it explode, then the Nora fighters joined me through the hole in the wall made by the explosion. It was still a tough battle, but the Nora really helped. The killers are dead now, at least, the ones in this region.