March 20, 2017


Date played: March 19th
Platform: Wii U

I didn't play very much, but I went back through the mushroom cave, then through the area with the waterfall to get back to Threed. The citizens were all really happy that we killed the evil trashy beings and brought the town back to it's sunny, happy state. I spoke with the villages a bit, who informed me that the tunnel was cleared of zombies, so I can go to Fourside now. First, I went back to Twoson to bring the Insignificant item to the only man that cares about it, a depressed dude in the hospital. He rewarded me with a powerful Magic Truffle, which restores 80 PP, so it will be good for a tough fight.
The desert traffic jam
After this, I took the bus to Fourside, but when we reached the desert, there was a HUGE traffic jam, so the dickhead bus driver dropped us off, then left. I guess I have to find a way around the traffic now, so I began exploring the desert a little bit. This place is dangerous as hell... The enemies hit really hard, so I think it's gonna be a good place to grind for some experience.