May 15, 2016

Ratchet & Clank

Date played: May 15th
Platform: PS4

I played one level of Ratchet & Clank with my daughter this morning. Planet Batalia is an icy world that has been invaded by enemy forces. Ratchet must meet up with his Space Ranger friend Cora to defeat the enemies. I bought a new weapon, the Warmonger which is a powerful rocket launcher. I used it a lot to defeat some tanks and other big enemies and I like it quite a bit.
Cora and Ratchet team up
There was an extended rail sequence here which was pretty easy, but also really fun. When I met up with Cora, I helped her progress through the area by using my wrench to extend some bridges. The Groovitron is still one of my favorite weapons to use because it disables enemies for a while and makes them vulnerable to my other attacks. Later, I reached a large cannon and activated it with a short puzzle. I then had to defeat 4 capital ships in a first person turret shooting sequence. It wasn't really hard, but I enjoyed it. I now have the option of going to two other planets, I can't wait to play this again!