May 28, 2016


Date played: Msy 27th
Platform: PC

I'm really hooked on Overwatch...

I played a whole lot of it yesterday, mainly as Reinhardt, but also as Lucio and Symmetra. I also tried McCree and had a brief few moments with Zenyatta. Zenyatta is really difficult to play with, but he's powerful. The problem with him is really his low health. His discord orb is amazingly useful though, so with a good team, he's still very useful.

McCree is hard for me to use also, but for different reasons. The problem with the gun slinging cowboy is that he requires amazing aim to be successful. I'm playing with a controller, while most are playing with a mouse and keyboard. This means I am at a bit of a disadvantage. However, I think I need to mess with my aiming sensitivity controls a little bit, I think it's a bit too slow right now.

I did well as both Symmetra and Lucio. I'm getting better at turret positioning with Symmetra and managed a good amount of eliminations with her. Her teleporter is very powerful too. Lucio is becoming my favorite healer. He's versatile, fast, and his healing ability is pretty damn strong. He can also contribute to damage while he's healing, so that's cool.

I played with my friend for a little bit. I was Reinhardt and he was Mercy, so we had a pretty good setup going in. We were matched against some really good teams though... A group with a Winston, Bastion, Zarya, a Mercy and a couple of offensive attackers made our lives very difficult. My friend got really frustrated at all our losses, so he stopped playing!

Later, my brother came over to visit and we ended up playing together, taking turns with the controller between each round. He played with Tracer, Pharah and Soldier 76, all characters that I haven't tried yet in a real match. Soldier 76 seems like he's very powerful, if a bit boring to play... I definitely need to try him a bit. My brother loved Overwatch, unsurprisingly.

I had a few really solid matches with Reinhardt, he's clearly my best hero. If my team is smart, they bunch up behind me as I push the front line forward. I'm also making a lot of progress with using my abilities correctly, shooting out fire strikes more often and charging in at the right time to take out a Bastion turret or a healer. I fucking love Reinhardt...