May 7, 2016

Level One bar night

Date played: May 6th
Platform: Wii U / Nintendo 64 / Xbox 360

Last night, I went to an awesome bar in downtown Ottawa called Level One. I joined two of my brothers and some friends to check it out. The bar has hundreds of board games and video games that can be played. The video games were charged per table, per hour, so we picked a spot with a Wii U, an N64 and an Xbox 360.
Level One has some awesome artwork everywhere
Most of our time playing was spent with Mario Kart 8, Bomberman 64 and Soul Calibur V.  We also drank some beer and I even ate some friend Mac & Cheese balls, which were wonderful. Mario Kart was the biggest hit, since anyone can play it and it's just so much fun. Everyone gave it a shot, even the people who usually don't play video games. In the races I played, I did really well, but of course, I'm a seasoned gamer, and I'm very comfortable with the game... I won most of my races, though one of my brothers beat me a couple of times, as did my sister in law.

Bomberman 64 was kind of a shit show. Like, the game actually sucks, it's not set up the same way as the original, good Bomberman, it's instead set in a 3D arena, without the classic "lanes". Also, the N64 is honestly kind of a shit machine, so it looks like junk too. We still had some fun, 4 player action, but it was clear that after a few matches, there wasn't much fun left to be had.

Finally, Soul Calibur V was a pretty big hit. It's easy to pick up and play, it's friendly to button mashers and it's got lots of fun looking characters to talk about and enjoy. I played decently, but I lost to my brother a lot, who plays as Nightmare. I almost always play as Astaroth. The ladies kicked my ass a few times too! It was an awesome night in a really cool bar, I definitely want to go back.