May 5, 2016

Ori and the Blind Forest

Date played: May 4th
Platform: PC

I played a bit more of Ori last night and continued my journey West. I stopped in a bunch of areas along the way to gather items that weren't accessible before, using my new abilities like Stomp. I managed to find a few ability orbs, life orbs and energy orbs, so I now have 9 points of life and energy, and bought a few new skills, mostly combat focused since the enemies are starting to be stronger.

When I reached the newest area, the path was blocked by Kuro, the dangerous, giant owl that's been haunting and hunting Ori. The bird was perched below some large rocks, surveying the area and eating Ori as soon as I ventured forward. I took a detour through some dangerous caverns above to reach a good vantage point. To make it through, I had to use ability to launch Ori through the air by grabbing enemy projectiles. Some of these sequences were very difficult for me. I died repeatedly, mostly because I got impatient, but also because the game requires intense precision platforming to succeed.

When I reached the area above Kuro, I stomped on the rocks above it's head and knocked the creature away, clearing the path for Ori. As Kuro flew away, it dropped a feather, so Ori picked it up, granting it the ability to glide and ride wind currents. Armed with my new tool, I entered the Misty Woods...
The Lost Misty Woods
Misty Woods should have been called the Lost Woods because that's exactly what it was. Just like the classic forest in the Zelda series, the layout of the map changes based on my progress. It was pretty tricky to navigate. Plus, it was dark, there was no map available and the enemies hit hard as fuck. I still made good progress until I found a tree that granted me a new ability! I can now climb on walls...

This ability was put to the test in the following area where special glowing mushrooms grew and faded whenever I jumped. Some of these were vertical, which meant I had to use my new ability instead of wall jumping. It was actually pretty tricky, but very very fun. It was some of the most enjoyable platforming in the game so far. I still have to find a light to clear the mist from the woods. I love what I've played last night.