February 28, 2015

Mario Tennis Open

Date played: February 28th
Platform: 3DS
Session fun rating: 6/10

Once again, I killed time in the waiting room of my daughter's dance class with a little bit of portable gaming. This time, I played Mario Tennis Open. I completed two Doubles tournaments, a Singles tournament and a Streetpass duel.

A powerful lob by Bowser
The Streetpass thing is exactly as you would expect, a simple, Mii vs Mii match, which I won easily. The Doubles were a bit frustrating though because the second character is AI controlled, which made it's mistakes really frustrating. I used Donkey Kong and naturally, I selected Diddy Kong as my partner. It was still fun to play, but I definitely preferred the Singles matches where I used Bowser. I definitely have a preference for power characters...