February 7, 2015

Alien: Isolation

Date played: February 6th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 8/10

I played a little bit of Alien Isolation late at night. Amanda Ripley begins her exploration of the Sevastopol station in the hopes of finding survivors and help. So far though, all she found is an eerily deserted, decrepit space station. I found odd graffiti on the walls, mysterious audio logs and revealing emails. It seems that the station was to be closed, but I'm seeing hints that maybe people were left to rot there rather than being sent back to Earth or another station.

A miniature of Sevastopol station
I explored many, wonderfully atmospheric rooms and found a few interesting survival items such as flares and various components that can be used to craft objects. For example, I was able to craft a medkit from the salvage I recovered. I restored power to a few sections of the station, including a large terminal, similar to what you would find in a modern day airport. I saw a glimpse of my ship, the Torrens, but as I was trying to signal it from the large bay window, the shutters were activated and I lost sight of it.

One thing that truly makes this game stand out so far is the incredible lighting that sets the mood and makes things very tense. The sound is also completely terrifying and stressful. Various, mysterious sounds can be heard all around Amanda and believe me, in surround sound, this stuff is very effective... I can't wait to see more of this game.