February 6, 2015

Battlefield Hardline Beta

Date played: February 5th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 9/10

Battlefield Hardline looked boring to me. I haven't really loved a Battlefield game since Battlefield 2, though I enjoyed 2142 and 1943. Battlefield 3 was kind of boring to me and I never tried Battlefield 4. Cops and robbers is a damn good theme though, so when I saw the open beta for download, I decided to give it a shot.

I was very pleasantly surprised to see that so far, Hardline is fucking awesome. The beta has 3 modes and 3 maps, though I only played the Heist mode and it's Bank Job map. The premise has the robbers attempt to open a bank vault and steal 2 packages and bring them to 1 of 3 extraction points. The police must stop them from succeeding, usually by shooting them in the face.

Honestly, I feel like that setup works really well and is a ton of fun. To recover a package, the cops must kill it's carrier and stay near the object for some time before it is returned to the vault. The package must also stay at the extraction point for some time for the robbers to be successful. This gives enough time for both teams to recover from large mistakes in many cases and it's quite exciting.

The game looks good, plays well and is surprisingly stable, especially for a beta. I've enjoyed playing with the operator class, equipped with an assault rifle and a medpack. The only thing I don't like so far is that I would really like a large, LMG type weapon, though the assault rifle has been sufficient.

I did fairly considering it was my first time playing it, I even had a nice 10-3 game. I generally had positive scores and expect I will be better quickly. Too bad this beta only lasts a few days!