February 21, 2015

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D

Date played: February 20th
Platform: 3DS
Session fun rating: 10/10

I completed my first 3 day cycle. I got the password from the bomber kids to let me through to the observatory. I met an astronomer there who let me use his telescope... That's when I first saw it, the moon with giant angry face on it, rapidly progressing towards impact on Termina and the end of the world. High above the clock tower, I also saw the Skull Kid as a moon tear fell down below, close to the observatory. I picked it up and went back to town to find a way to reach the Skull Kid.

I gave the moon tear to a deku merchant in town, who gave me his piece of land in the town square in exchange. I launched Link from the flower spot and glided to a heart piece and the stairs to the clock tower's roof. It turns out, the door only opens at midnight on the third day, so I killed time by exploring Clock Town. When the time came, I met with the Skull Kid at the top of the tower. Clearly, he was angry at something and the fairies were both pretty pissed. To stop him, I will have to visit 4 areas, which are probably dungeons.

As the moon was crashing down on Termina, Link shot the Skull Kid with a bubble and recovered the Ocarina of Time. I played the song of time, which led me back to the beginning of the game and took away any items I had in my inventory. I'm not really sure how this will work, but I have to find a way to the dungeons now I guess.