February 20, 2015

The Unfinished Swan

Date played: February 19th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 9/10

I finished The Unfinished Swan!

Armed with my water blobs, I gained the ability to make vines grow on walls and structures. These became handholds for climbing and add a bit of color to the world. I solved a few platforming puzzles with these wonderful bits of flora. In one very cool segment, I even used a fire hose to shoot water far away to make the vines cross a river. I then hopped onto a sort of airship that led soon crashed into a very dark forest.

The dark forest was super cool. There was finally a lot of color in the game, but most of all, there was darkness. Looming in the distance was a large figure or statue of the King. Using ink blobs to turn on light sources, I had to avoid the darkness filled with dangerous spiders. It was creepy as fuck that's for sure. After a while, I found a pink glowing ball of light that I could move around by throwing ink at it. This tension filled sequence led me to the King's unfinished house.

The King's statue looms in the background of the forest
Being half built, the house needed some repairs before I could progress. Seemingly inspired by M.C. Escher, the game made me jump into a painting, or rather, a blueprint of the house so that I could complete it. The stark minimalism of the sequence was shocking after the spooky forest. I was also given a new tool that allowed me to build walls, ceilings and blocks on certain surfaces. I rebuilt the missing parts of the house with these tools and reached the top of the King's statue.

That's where I found the King himself, lounging on a chair next to his pet hippopotamus. Seriously, this game is messed up. The King told me of his dream, which I then played. Honestly, this last portion of the game was a bit less interesting in terms of gameplay, it was more like an interactive story and credits sequence. In the end, the child was given a paintbrush by the King and he was able to complete the titular unfinished swan painting in honor of his deceased mother.

I loved playing The Unfinished Swan. It's unique, has fun mechanics, is surprisingly varied and tells a cute story. I won't be playing it again though, it's kind of a one trick pony.