July 12, 2014

Trine 2

Date played: July 12th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 8/10

This is one of those posts that doesn't really need to exist, but here it is anyway. I have a weird history with the Trine games. I played and finished the first one over a very long period, then tried the Trine 2 demo on PS3, and finally played the first few levels on Steam. Today, I played it again but on PS4 as it was free with PS Plus. This post sums up exactly what happened today.

Trine 2 is gorgeous in 3D
I played it in French this time, as my daughter was watching so I figured she would like to understand. I also played in 3D. It looked fucking incredible. The frame rate is still great and the added depth makes an already pretty game even more stunning.