July 16, 2014

Stick it to The Man

Date played: July 15th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 8/10

Ray escaped the mental hospital successfully. Most of the folks from the carnival seem to have been considered insane and have been incarcerated in the spooky building guarded by large nurses armed with electroshock weapons. As expected, the whole place if filled with non-sense.

Alien in a granny suit
The things I did to escape were pretty wild. I met a ghost child hosting a tea party with a moldy stuffed bear and a scrappy, deep-voiced rabbit. I helped an alien in a granny suit that flew away with her inflatable duck belt. I unleashed a serious man's second personality by giving him great music to dance to. I found a taxidermist woman who likes dead mice so much, she followed me around when I had one in my pocket. I scared a little dude by sticking googly eyes to his friend's face. I charged a battery by dropping it between a man and his electroshock inducing nurse. Etc, etc, etc.

In the end, I flew away on an dead, inflated and stuffed whale. Yes, this game is insane.