July 17, 2014


Date played: July 16th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 8/10

More Strider, more cyborg-chopping action!

I made some progress through the city and found the entrance to a large tower of some kind. I acquired a few upgrades along the way. I now have a double jump which is really fun to use and very useful in combat. I also unlocked the ability to reflect shots back at enemies using the sword.
Chopping up ninja ladies

The enemies are a little bit tougher now, taking three hits to kill in most cases. There are also napalm-tossing robots that are cool to fight. I fought a couple of bosses. The first was against two ninja sisters, one with a pink laser gun and the other with a blue shield power. I sliced them up pretty good. The other boss was a lot tougher. He's a flying bounty hunter with amazing weapons. Pattern recognition is a pretty big part of this game which make the bosses interesting. I like this game. It's simple, but it is well executed and fun to play.