July 18, 2014

NES Remix

Date played: July 17th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 7/10

This year's Club Nintendo Platinum reward was a choice of free downloadable games. I already own or played many of the choices, so it came down to NES Remix vs Game & Wario. NES Remix looked pretty cool so I chose that.

The game is an odd mix of NES games remixed into very short challenge levels. The games featured so far are Super Mario Bros, Mario Bros, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Balloon Fight and my personal favorite of the offering, Excitebike. Most of the challenges are quick and simple, but can be difficult. For example, I had to jump over a number of barrels in Donkey Kong within the time limit. Depending on how well the player does, a star rating is assigned, which unlocks special "remix" levels.

The first two remix levels were from Super Mario Bros. The first one had me defeat a number of enemies on 1-1. The twist is that I had a permanent invincibility star. The second one had me navigate a level with jumping fish, but I had no control over movement, only jumping. It's all pretty simple, but still