March 10, 2014

PS1 vehicular gaming special!

Date played: March 10th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 9/10

I got a few cheap PS1 games on eBay and played a few minutes of each. It seems I had a yearning for some vehicle based games as all I got were racing games, a couple of space sims and a sci-fi tank game. The games I got were Ridge Racer Revolution, R4, Jet Moto, Colony Wars, Colony Wars: Vengeance, Colin McRae Rally, Uprising X and finally, the masterpiece, Wipeout 3.

I started with RRR, and boy, that game has fucked up controls. While I had some fun with it, I couldn't remember how to drift properly, so I will have to try this one again later and test out different methods. Without drifting, this game devolves into ridiculous wall crashing pretty rapidly. The same can be said about R4, though I'm sure I'll figure it out soon.

Jet Moto is crazy, but really hard fun. I don't quite know what I'm doing wrong with it, but I can't seem to win a race, or come in better than 14th. This game, as rough as it is, would be very interesting on current consoles or handhelds. Hell, it would be incredible to play a game like this against an all human grid of 20 online players.

Colin McRae Rally wouldn't boot. I'm sad, pissed and hopeful at the same time. Perhaps it will work if I try it on my PS2, but we'll see. I love this series and would have loved to try the game that started it all.

Colony Wars is a very interesting game and is another one that could use and HD reboot or sequel. This is a pure, arcade-style space combat game featuring incredible, true, 360 degree movement. It still controls really well and is actually quite fun, at least as far as the first two levels go. I can see myself playing this game for long periods of time. It's that fucking good. I haven't tried the sequel, Vengeance yet, but will try it soon.

I didn't try Uprising X yet, the tank game, but I will try it soon. I remember it being a really good game, but it's hazy.

Finally, one of my favorite games ever, Wipeout 3. I was afraid the rose tinted retro goggles would have lost their lustre, but by the heavens, Wipeout 3 holds up like a fucking champ. The simple, but fast graphics are still excellent to this day. Sure, the textures are kind of rough, but the framerate is butter smooth, the track is easily seen and understood and enemy ships I easy to identify. I don't know if I can make this any clearer, but I FUCKING LOVE THIS GAME TO DEATH. For the love of all that is holy, I want a new Wipeout game on PS4...