March 8, 2014

Killzone Shadow Fall

Date played: March 7th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 9/10

I bought Killzone Shadow Fall. It was on sale and I've enjoyed Killzone 2, Killzone 3 and Killzone Mercenary, so I figured I would have a good time with this one too.

The first thing that is apparent is that the PS4 is a beast of a machine, which I hadn't seen with the last gen ports I played, like Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed and Need for Speed. I mean, this game looks fucking incredible graphically. Seriously, this is miles ahead of anything else I've ever played. The lighting effects really show off what this generation of hardware can do. My jaw literally dropped half a dozen times during my time with the game so far.

The game starts with the Helghans occupying half of Vekta, the ISA stronghold, as a political negotiation of some kind. I played as a child during the first days of the colonization where I escaped the Helghan soldiers with my dad. Of course, he gets killed along the way and an ISA soldier takes me under his wing. 14 years later, I am part of an elite force of soldiers and get captured by the Helghans while on a mission on their side of the planet and then exchanged for another hostage, a woman.

The first mission was an epic infiltration of the Helghan facilities. I first sneaked around, killing guards with melee. I soon obtained the OWL, a very useful drone that can hack, attack, stun, shield and act as a zipline for my soldier. I use it in every battle and it's a crucial part of the gameplay.

There is also a sort of scan ability that detects nearby enemies and cameras, an adrenaline pack that heals and gives a combat boost and of course, grenades and guns. The mission had me find stranded allies, recover some data, hack some Helghan computers and finally, take out AA guns with C4.

So far, I like what I've played of the game...except that I ran into a game stopping bug. After I completed the last portion of the mission and escaped the exploding facility, I started falling in the air infinitely. This was definitely not intended and I could see through geometry. After reading up on it online, it seems that I will have to restart the mission. Pretty shitty.