March 29, 2014

Killzone Shadow Fall

Date played: March 28th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 9/10

I played through one level last night. Sinclair gave a mission to infiltrate a space laboratory and retrieve the scientist that made the virus. Sinclair wants her so that he can use her bio-weapon against the Helghans. The level starts in zero g, with a breathtaking view of Helghan below and debris floating in space. I got inside and had to explore the spire to find the scientist.

I was first confronted with spider mines, little mechanical proximity bombs. I had to hack their storage boxes to stop them. I also encountered a new, powerful enemy type. They are soldiers with strong shields that can be disabled by the OWL's stun ability or with the rifle's charge shot. They are fun to fight and can be a challenge when there is more than one at a time.
The space station is breathtaking

I made my way through the spire and it's guards, including an exciting free fall through a turbine. I found the doctor eventually and had to help her move the virus from one section of the spire to another. To do so, I went into space where I protected a container from attacking space drones. When I reached the other side, I had to defend the cargo and my allies from a huge assault from the Helghast. This was quite a standoff that was pretty tough to deal with.

I used a fucking cool weapon, a sort of electric burst rifle. It's very powerful, fun to use, and can shoot right through enemy shields. When the attack force became too much to handle, I used the nearby dropship's powerful guns to fend off the huge wave of enemies. After all the fighting, Echo showed up again, wanting to kill the scientist to stop the genocide. Sinclair ordered me to kill her, but I disobeyed and let her kill the scientist. Echo and I escaped to Helghan by using small atmosphere piercing vehicles then free falling to the planet. I'm excited to see what happens next!