March 16, 2014

Dead Nation Apocalypse Edition

Date played: March 15th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 8/10

I had played a bit of Dead Nation when it was first released on PS3. Unfortunately, my hard drive crashed at one point and erased my progress. This had killed my motivation in playing it, but now that it's being re-released on PS4 with better graphics and a couple of new features, I gave it another shot.

Corpses litter the streets.
I played the first two chapters of the Housemarque developed twin stick shooter. The thing I find most interesting about this game is the way the shooting works. It's not like in Resogun or Geometry Wars where holding a direction with the right stick will continuously fire. There's a trigger, and it adds tension and strategy. For example, to get powerful headshots that can kill multiple zombies with the rifle, I must hold the trigger for a bit. I upgraded my rifle all the way to the maximum and started working on the shotgun.