March 17, 2014

Bro special!

Date played: March 16th
Platform: Wii U and PS4
Session fun rating: 9/10

One of my brothers came over to have dinner and play games. We started with a bit of Super Mario 3D World. We played through the first four or five levels in multiplayer. We had a great time and were really in synch. The level where we rode the dinosaur was really fun with him.

We then played a couple of Wipeout 3 races. This is a game that we played together quite a bit when we were young teens. My brother is a graphic designer, so he had lots of little comments on the ingenuity of the UI considering the low resolution, as well as the general design of the ships and logos in the game.

I wanted to show him the amazing graphics of Killzone Shadow Fall, so I played through the second level with him. He really enjoyed the sniping mode on the rifle, as it has one hell of a kick and makes enemies fly in the air. He also enjoyed watching the incredible lighting effects.

Finally, I played through the third level of Dead Nation Apocalypse Edition. He had already played through the game in co-op with his girlfriend, so he had many valuable tips to give me. For example, shooting vending machines acts as a sort of alarm, attracting zombies. Also, molotovs can make a wall of fire to give the player a bit of time to shoot as many enemies as possible. The level was really fun, a stressful romp through city streets where I killed dozens of policemen, firemen and even a disturbingly large group of clowns from a nearby circus.