September 30, 2013

Skylanders Giants

Drobot is the best!
Date played: September 29th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 8/10

I went shopping for winter boots for my daughter this weekend. After a successful (but expensive) boot purchase, we stopped by the game store on the way back to the car in the shopping mall. I didn't really want to buy anything, GTA V is still keeping me busy, but my little girl spotted the bastard toys and of course, we ended up being a few. I tried to round out my set with characters who of elements I don't have yet. My daughter picked the "Magic" Spyro (yay!), my girlfriend got a water Slam Bam amd I got the mechanical Drobot. When we got home, we played through Chapter 3, a mission to save a prisoner hermit dude.

My daughter made sure we were using the right character. She's in charge of the toys. My girlfriend and I fought our way through the dangerous island to save the little guy in the mission. Spyro is great, he has a strong fireball. Slam Bam has a melee attack, but his best move is an ice block, similar to what frost mages do in World of Warcraft. It seals enemies in place as crowd control. When shit gets too crazy, he slows things down. Drobot is the most fun to play yet because he has a very fast laser beam attack with very long range and an attack that shoots metallic objects that bounce around the environment to damage enemies. I like him a lot.