September 8, 2013

Pikmin 3

Date played: September 7th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 6/10

I love these little guys!
I played through a single day in Pikmin 3. It was enough for me to free the little pink winged pikmin race. They are very weak physically, they just can't get into a fight and expect to live. However, they can carry things over water and other obstacles. They can also uproot certain plants to reveal fruit and other useful items. I had enough time to have the little guys lift a branch that was stuck in the river, releasing some lily pads for us to travel on. We also received a signal from another spaceman. My dudes think it's Olimar but it was obvious that it was just one of his buddies. We must now find his signal to see if he has the space ship part we need.